Haywards Heath: 01444 456886

Rottingdean: 01273 359090

Peacehaven: 01273 359092

01444 456886

01273 359090

01273 359092

BB’s story: a complex little person, Part 2

Clive continues the story of BB, a diabetic with multiple joint issues. BB had reached the point where she could barely exercise.

“Julia explained that all the usual medications that she tends to prescribe to get a little dog moving again were a worry to use due to her complex needs. So she suggested I take BB to the Veterinary Acupuncturist, Angie.

“I was concerned that BB would not sit and have needles put into her (the twice a day insulin injection was enough), so Julia explained that at The Mewes Vets they use the latest ‘Laser Acupuncture’. This consists of an instrument the size of a very thick pen being placed over the acupuncture points of the body sending a “laser beam” into the tissue to a predetermined depth.

“I had seriously thought at the start of this particular week, that it was time to put BB out of her pain and end her miserable life, as I saw it. I did not believe in Acupuncture, having tried it himself many years before for weight loss.

“I saw this as a last ditch attempt to help my beloved friend. I confirmed with my insurance that they would cover at least part of the cost. Angie performed laser acupuncture on BB, treating both her back problems and her arthritic joints on the Friday morning.

“The very next day, much to my shock, BB walked unaided out of the door into the garden. This was something she had not been able to do for several weeks prior to the treatment. I was so excited I had to phone the Clinic at once to share the news!

“She made some dramatic improvements, and continued to improve over the subsequent months with on-going treatments.”

Discounted Doggy Dentistry

If your vet has recommended that your dog needs dentistry, but you have not yet had it done, take advantage of our special offer this month. We will perform fixed price dentistry, including up to 40 minutes extraction time, and a whole mouth dental x-ray series, so that my team can hone their skills, from just £199.
To read more about this special offer go to www.caninedental.co.uk or call my friendly team on 01444 456886 for more information.

Published in the Mid-Sussex Times on 19th January 2017

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